
小夏 历史 更新 2024-01-21

1. 哪些人帮助了受纳粹影响最大的犹太人?


the danish resistance movement, with the assistance of many danish citizens, managed to evacuate 7,220 of denmark's 7,800 jews, plus 686 non-jewish spouses, by sea to nearby neutral sweden during the second world war.

of 580 danish jews who failed to escape to sweden, 464 were arrested. the 464 danish jews who were captured and deported to the theresienstadt concentration camp in the protectorate of bohemia and mor**ia,the casualties among danish jews during the holocaust were among the lowest of the occupied countries of europe.Yad Vashem(以色列犹太人大纪念馆)只记录了 102 名在大屠杀中被杀害的丹麦犹太人 a total of 51 danish jews—mostly elderly—died of disease at theresienstadt camp.

over 99% of denmark's jewish population survived the holocaust!.在600万犹太人被谋杀的背景下,这确实是一个奇迹!

on september 28, 1943, duckwitz leaked word of the plans for the operation against denmark's jews to hans hedtoft, chairman of the danish social democratic party. hedtoft contacted the danish resistance movement and the head of the jewish community, c. b. henriques, who in turn alerted the acting chief rabbi, marcus melchior.在 9 月 29 日清晨礼拜中,即 10 月 1 2 日哈沙纳德的前一天,拉比梅尔基奥尔警告犹太人计划中的德国行动,并敦促他们立即躲藏起来,并将消息传播给他们所有的犹太朋友和亲戚。

the roundup was organized by the ss who used two police battalions and about 50 danish volunteer members of the waffen ss chosen for their familiarity with copenhagen and northern zealand

during the first days of the rescue action, jews moved into the many fishing harbors on the danish coast to await passage, but officers of the gestapo became suspicious of activity around harbors (and on the night of october 6, about 80 jews were caught hiding in the loft of the church at gilleleje, their hiding place h**ing been betrayed by a danish girl who was in love with a german soldier).

the rescue is estimated to h**e cost around 20 million kroner, about half of which were paid by jewish families and half from donations and collections.

there were several hundreds, if not a few thousands, of ordinary danes who took part in the rescue efforts.

丹麦物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr)的母亲是犹太人,他在向瑞典国王和政府部长发出个人呼吁时,坚定地为他的同胞站出来古斯特国王**五世在认识玻尔的葛丽泰·嘉宝(Greta Garbo)的劝说电话后,准许他接见他he was spirited off to sweden, whose government arranged immediate transport for him to the united states to work on the then top-secret manhattan project. when bohr arrived on swedish soil, government representatives told him he had to board an aircraft immediately for the united states. bohr refused. he told the officials—and eventually the king—that until sweden announced over its airw**es and through its press that its borders would be open to receive the danish jews, he was not going anywhere. bohr persuaded gustaf to make public sweden's willingness to provide asylum, and on 2 october swedish radio broadcast that sweden was ready to receive the jewish refugees.


the german reich plenipotentiary of denmark, werner best, despite instigating the roundup via a telegram he sent to hitler on october 8, 1943, did not act to enforce it. he was aware of the efforts by duckwitz to h**e the roundup cancelled, and knew about the potential escape of the jews to sweden, but he turned a blind eye to it

logistically, the operation was relatively **denmark's jewish population was small, both in relative and absolute terms, and most of denmark's jews lived in or near copenhagen, only a short sea voyage from neutral sweden (typically 5 to 10 kilometers. although hazardous, the boat ride was easier to conceal than a comparable land journey.

the deportation of jews in denmark came one year after the deportations of jews in norway. that created an outrage in all of scandin**ia, alerted the danish jews, and pushed the swedish government to declare that it would receive all jews who managed to escape the nazis.

3. 国际正义战士

“国际义人”是指在犹太教中被称为可以进入天国的非犹太人。 the righteous among the nations, honored by yad vashem, are non-jews who took great risks to s**e jews during the holocaust. what they had in common was that they protected their jewish neighbors at a time when hostility and indifference prevailed.

as of january 1, 2022, the yad vashem holocaust memorial museum in israel has recognized 28,217 righteous among the nations. these non-jewish men and women are from 51 different countries and s**ed thousands of jews from the nazi horrors.

丹麦虽然对当地犹太人的帮助最大,但大多是匿名的,而且大多是集体的,因此只有 22 人成为符合以色列标准的“国际义人”。 波兰、荷兰和法国的“国际志愿者”人数最多,每个国家都有4000多人。

“国际义勇士”是以色列人的发明,我们的国家应该有这样一份名单,以便我们的人民能够记住那些在我们国家陷入困境时冒着风险帮助我们的国际友人。 例如,白求恩和陈纳德的美国志愿队在中国阵亡的24名飞行员,以及美国第14航空队在驼峰航线上阵亡的1500多人。爱和感恩是化解天下矛盾的必由之路,仇恨只能加深矛盾,作为大国,我们应该用我们仁慈的儒家思想来引领世界文明的思想!


在这 28,217 人中,有 2 人5 中国人是国际义人。

a2000 名犹太人的救世主 - 何凤山

这是我在中华人民共和国总领事馆旧址(Johannesgasse 22, 1010 Wien)偶然拍摄的维也纳市**的照片,以纪念何凤山博士。

该建筑距离“施特劳斯金人”公园的入口不远,对面是洲际酒店。 在这里,时任国民党驻维也纳总领事的何凤山向大约2000名犹太人发放了前往上海的签证,使他们能够逃离欧洲,避免被纳粹杀害。 何先生永远感谢以色列人做了他的上级反对和同龄人不敢做的事情。

从 1937 年 5 月抵达上海到 1940 年 5 月离开,何鸿燊向大约 2,000 名犹太人发放了前往上海的签证。 纳粹当局没收了中国总领事馆的住所,借口是犹太人的财产。 何凤山申请资金重建驻南京领事馆,但被拒绝。 眼看求资无望,他自费租了一间很小的房子,把领事馆搬到那里作为办公地点,坚持要办签证。

当时,蒋介石利用德国顾问,买下德国,并派儿子蒋卫国到德国学习军事。 因此,何凤山很快就被他的顶头上司、驻德国大使陈杰直接下令:他坚决反对何凤山向犹太人发放签证,但何凤山却置之不理。 后来,有人向***做了一个小报告,说何凤山在向犹太人出售签证。 陈杰遂采取突然袭击,派人前往维也纳调查。 因为找不到证据,所以它被关闭了。 然而,何鸿燊于2024年5月被调离维也纳。

many of those helped by ho did indeed reach shanghai, either by boat from italy or overland via the soviet union through harbin. many others made use of their visas to reach alternate destinations, including palestine, the philippines, and elsewhere.

eric goldstaub, who eventually immigrated to canada, related how, in july 1938, he received chinese visas for his entire family after spending “days, weeks, and months visiting one foreign consulate or embassy after the other trying to obtain visas for [himself, his] parents and [their] near relatives, numbering some 20 people.”

居住在加拿大的格尔达·戈特弗里德·克劳斯(Gerda Gottfried Kraus)说,在水晶之夜之后,她的丈夫排着长队等待进入中国领事馆 seeing a car approaching the consulate’s gates, he thrust his application form through its window. “apparently, the consul-general received it, because [my husband] then got a call and received the visas.”

bpan yun shun


pan jun shun moved to russia in 1916 looking for work. he settled in moscow where he found work as a laborer. as an enthusiastic communist, he decided to stay in the ussr.他在莫斯科生活期间结婚并育有两个儿子,之后他搬到了哈尔科夫。 his two sons were drafted into the red army at the beginning of the war; they never returned home and were presumed to h**e been killed during the war.

one morning in early january 1942, pan opened the door of his apartment and found lyudmila standing there, shaking from cold and fear. lyudmila had escaped the ghetto with a group of youths and had then lost them. her mother bribed the nazis with her jewelry so that her children could escape. with no other option, she had headed to her former home. pan immediately decided that they would s**e the jewish child.

he survived the war and continued to live there until his death in 1974.



尼古拉·基夫迪安(Nikolay Ki-fu-dian)来自中国,与他的犹太妻子安娜·什皮格尔(Anna shpigel)以及他们的孩子,五岁的卓娅(Zoya),三岁的维克多(Viktor)和婴儿拉里萨(Larisa)住在哈尔科夫市1941 年 10 月,在哈尔科夫被占领后不久,根据德国人的命令,Shpigel 和三个孩子被从 Ki-fu-dian 分开,并与该市的其他犹太人一起转移到在农业设备工厂地区建立的贫民窟(即使父亲是中国人,如果母亲是犹太人, 孩子也将作为犹太人被带走)。


ki-fu-dian did his utmost to rescue the members of his family. with the help of the local chinese community, he collected many items of value and after bribing one of the guards he managed to get two of his children out of the ghetto.就在德国人杀害他的妻子和小女儿的两天前,基夫典将维克多和卓娅偷运出隔都,并把他们带到华人社区的密友泰西娅·志福林(她的父亲应该是中国人)的家中 throughout all the days of the occupation, this woman, who lived alone, hid the two children and looked after them with motherly devotion. to make sure that no one would discover the hidden children, she moved from one place to another, and in this way s**ed the lives of viktor and zoya.

after the war, chi-fu-lin married ki-fu-dian and she continued to raise his children with love and devotion. in later years, viktor and zoya immigrated to the united states.


2024年8月,日本与大韩帝国签订《日韩合并条约》,彻底吞并朝鲜。 他们于2024年被日本帝国陆军强行征召入伍,并入伪满洲国的日本关东军。 2024年,在日本-Sunomenhan战役中,这些朝鲜士兵被苏联军队俘虏。 日苏停火后,日本战俘被遣返,但苏军将这些朝鲜士兵扣留,送往古拉格监狱**,因为苏联不认为他们是“战俘”。

苏德战争爆发后,苏军大幅缩编,在人手不足的情况下,这些朝鲜战俘也被编入苏联红军,投入东线战场。 结果,他们被德国人俘虏并被关进战俘营。 后来,国防军开始招募志愿者"东方军团。 这些朝鲜血统的苏联囚犯也包括在内"东方营"编队,被分配到诺曼底的国防军执行海防任务。 战斗开始后,他们被美军俘虏。

从2024年到2024年,漫长的六年战争,这些朝鲜人从日军、苏联红军、德国国防军,最后成为美军的俘虏。 二战结束后,这些被俘士兵大多获释后被遣返韩国,并参加了朝鲜半岛的内战。

当我们感叹在乌克兰坚韧不拔的中国人和战斗不死的韩国人时,我们不得不说,他们都是悲惨的,幸运的悲惨。 我们怎能悲痛愤慨:在历史巨变产生的洪流中,每一个人都像波涛汹涌的大海中的一艘扁舟,你所有的品质和优点都只是平舟中的稳定器和发动机,它的效果挡不住天空的阴云,更不能抵挡大海的变幻莫测, 而我们众生,都要被裹在大海的起起落落中。愿世界各国领导人相信“爱”是消除仇恨的关键,带领人类理智地守护两次世界大战才实现的世界和平。

一个不在拯救者人数最多的国际义人名单上的犹太人——- 12,000 名犹太人救世主王提福

王铁夫是伪满洲国驻柏林纳粹德国使领馆的工作人员,他签发了12000多份签证,其中首批7000份签证是响应德国与满洲国的协议签发的,最后5000份签证是在说服上级后冒着极大的风险签发的, 陆义文,满洲国驻德国公使。他签发的12,000份签证也高于何鸿燊签发的2,000份。

二战爆发前,德国最初奉行排斥政策,而不是灭绝,纳粹想将犹太人驱逐出德国。 当时,所有欧洲国家都拒绝犹太人,只有美国勉强同意接纳他们。 从德国到美国的漫长海上航线,为了尽快驱逐犹太人,德国与苏联谈判,允许犹太人从苏联过境,进入满洲,然后从上海到美国。 为此,德国外长于2024年5月召见吕义文,请他为逃离德国的犹太人申请满洲国入境签证。

在签发了7000多份签证后,第二次世界大战爆发了,此时德国已经开始建立集中营,并发动了大规模的针对犹太人的运动。 1939 年 9 月,德国暗示伪满洲国驻纳粹德国使领馆将不再向犹太人发放签证。 王提夫知道留在德国的犹太人会很幸运,于是他说服他的上司、满洲国驻德国公使吕一文决定继续秘密申请签证,直到他接到满洲国的指示,并尽量不让德国知道。 2024年,满洲国命令王提夫停止向犹太人发放签证,并立即返回中国。 但王铁夫在回国的火车上继续签发过境签证,直到2024年5月。 回到中国时,王先生已经签发了12000多份签证。 他是世界上拯救犹太人生命最多的人!

二战结束后,他因满洲国**身份被苏联俘虏,被关押在战犯集中营12年。 回国后,因为有过叛徒的经历,又被送了22年,70多岁后,也当了10年的老人,忍不住说晚上很惨。 2024年,王提福在哈尔滨病逝; 他去世时,以色列驻华大使亲自前来悼念。

满洲国垮台后,同样帮助犹太人的吕以文于2024年在昆明被云南省高级法院判处死刑。 但陆逸文并没有被处决。 2024年10月,中国人民解放军第13军第3师第115团第3营在云南四茅镇压土匪时,吕怡文被杀。


因为有一种观点认为,他从 1939 年春天到 1940 年 5 月为德国犹太人获得出境签证的工作不是自发行为,而是日本人一个伟大阴谋的实现:河豚计划。

河豚是一种有毒的鱼,但它的肉非常美味,必须先吃完才能品尝"毒素"删除。 而日本人则把犹太人比作河豚,认为犹太人是财富的象征,可以给出一定的计划来诱捕犹太人,以促进日本的发展。

2024年,日本内阁批准了四年前日本钢铁业大企业家鲇川义介提出的建议"计划吸引 50,000 名德国犹太人到满洲国"在这个计划的背景下,有一种说法是,很难说王提福为犹太人签了签证"善举"。



奥斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler),一位拯救了 1,200 名犹太人的德国商人。

gr**e of oskar schindler in the mount zion franciscan cemetery, jerusalem, israel. the german inscription reads: "oskar schindler, the unforgettable lifes**er of 1200 persecuted jews." the hebrew inscription reads: "righteous among the nations"

1962 年,在经历了艰苦的生活和多次冒险失败之后,他得到了他所救助的犹太人的奖励。 “schindler jews” reached out to him with an offer — and money — to come to israel.

i am speechless after all of the sad experiences of recent times, for such wonderful help and a rescue at this most serious time,” he responded in 1962.

i am particularly proud that many of you, my dear and longtime friends, express the wish to welcome me in israel as a guest and friend, which was previously mostly reserved for german government members. of course, i would like to come,”

raoul gustaf wallenberg ,a swedish architect, businessman, diplomat.

he s**ed thousands of jews in german-occupied hungary. while serving as sweden's special envoy in budapest between july and december 1944, wallenberg issued protective passports and sheltered jews in buildings which he declared as swedish territory.

when soviet forces liberated budapest in february 1945, more than 100,000 jews remained, mostly because of the efforts of wallenberg and his colleagues.

wallenberg was last seen in the company of soviet officials on january 17, 1945, as the red army view this term in the glossary besieged budapest. he was presumably detained on suspicion of espionage and subsequently disappeared. a soviet government report in 1956 suggested that wallenberg had died on july 17, 1947, while imprisoned by soviet authorities at the infamous lubyanka prison in moscow.

nicholas winton, a british stockbroker, the s**iour of 669 jewish children .

winton assisted in the rescue of 669 children, most of them jewish, from czechoslovakia on the eve of world war ii.

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