
小夏 文化 更新 2024-01-29

the origin and customs of the mid-autumn festival

the mid-autumn festival, also known as the moon festival, is one of the most important traditional festivals in china. it falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. this festival has a long history and is celebrated with various customs and traditions, *it a significant cultural event for chinese people around the world.

origin of the mid-autumn festival

the mid-autumn festival has a history of over 3,000 years and its origins are closely related to ancient agricultural practices and legends. one of the most well-known legends associated with the festival is the story of chang'e, the moon goddess. according to the legend, there were once ten suns in the sky, causing great disasters for the people. hou yi, a skilled archer, shot down nine of the suns, s**ing the earth and its people. as a reward, the queen mother of the west g**e him an elixir of immortality. however, hou yi did not want to become immortal without his beloved wife, chang'e. one day, hou yi went hunting, and while he was away, chang'e drank the elixir and flew to the moon. since then, people h**e worshipped chang'e and offered sacrifices to the moon during the mid-autumn festival.

another popular legend is the story of the mooncake uprising, which took place during the yuan dynasty. the han chinese people were suffering under the rule of the mongols, and they used mooncakes as a means of communication to organize a rebellion on the night of the mid-autumn festival. this led to the successful overthrow of the mongol rulers. to commemorate this event, people eat mooncakes during the mid-autumn festival.

customs and traditions

the mid-autumn festival is celebrated with a variety of customs and traditions, each with its own significance and symbolism.

1. appreciating the moon: on the night of the mid-autumn festival, families and friends gather to appreciate the full moon. the moon is a symbol of reunion and completeness, and its round shape represents the unity of the family. people often recite poetry, sing songs, and share stories while admiring the moon.

2. eating mooncakes: mooncakes are an indispensable part of the mid-autumn festival. these round pastries are filled with sweet bean paste, lotus seed paste, or salted egg yolks, and are often intricately decorated with chinese characters or designs. they are exchanged as gifts and shared among family members and friends as a symbol of unity and good fortune.

3. *lanterns: lanterns are a traditional symbol of the mid-autumn festival. children and adults alike make and display colorful lanterns, adding to the festive atmosphere. some cities also hold lantern parades and competitions, showcasing the creativity and artistry of the participants.

4. dragon and lion dances: in some regions, dragon and lion dances are performed during the mid-autumn festival to bring joy and blessings to the community. these traditional dances are accompanied by the rhythmic beating of drums and cymbals, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

5. drinking osmanthus tea: osmanthus flowers bloom during the mid-autumn festival, and their fragrant aroma fills the air. drinking osmanthus tea has become a popular tradition during the festival, as the tea is believed to bring good luck and happiness.

the mid-autumn festival is not only celebrated in china but also in many other east asian countries, such as vietnam, singapore, and malaysia. each region has its own unique customs and traditions associated with the festival, reflecting the diversity and richness of the cultural heritage.

in conclusion, the mid-autumn festival is a time for family reunions, expressing gratitude, and celebrating the beauty of nature. it is a festival that embodies the values of harmony, unity, and gratitude, and it continues to be cherished and celebrated by people of chinese descent around the world.秋冬入住挑战





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