UVTest 荧光紫外老化试验箱,40 瓦紫外荧光灯管,UVA 340UVB313,UVA351

小夏 科技 更新 2024-01-31

UVTEST 荧光紫外线老化试验箱 40 瓦紫外线荧光灯管(UVA-340、UVB-313、UVA-351)。

Atlas的UVTEST是一款经济实惠的UV老化试验箱,适用于荧光UV和冷凝老化测试方法。 该仪器使用 UVA-340、UVB-313 或 UVA-351 紫外线灯用于各种用途。 触摸屏提供多种语言的简单操作和控制。 它具有用于安全校准的专利照射端口,这是其他竞争对手在荧光紫外线老化测试中所不具备的。 两个测试单元可以堆叠在一起以节省空间,并且可以使用循环喷淋选项来减少去离子水的使用量。

标准 - ASTM D4329

standard practice for fluorescent uv exposure of plastics

astm d4587

standard practice for fluorescent uv-condensation exposures of paint and related coatings

astm d4799

standard test method for accelerated weathering test conditions and procedures for bituminous materials (fluorescent uv and condensation method)

astm d5208

standard practice for operating fluorescent ultr**iolet (uv) and condensation apparatus for exposure of photodegradable plastics

astm g151

standard practice for exposing nonmetallic materials in accelerated test devices that use laboratory light sources

astm g154

standard practice for operating fluorescent light apparatus for uv exposure of nonmetallic materials

din en 12224

geotextiles and geotextile-related products - determination of the resistance to weathering

din en 1297

flexible sheets for waterproofing - bitumen, plastic, and rubber sheets for roofing - method of artificial ageing by long term exposure to the combination of uv-radiation, elevated temperature and water

din en 13523-10

coil coated metals - test methods - part 10: resistance to fluorescent uv light and water condensation

din en iso 4892-1

plastics - methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - part 1: general guidance

en 927-6

paints and varnishes - coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - part 6: exposure of wood coatings to artificial weathering using fluorescent uv and water

iso 11997-2

paints and varnishes - determination of resistance to cyclic corrosion conditions - part 2: wet (salt fog)/dry/humidity/uv light

iso 16474-3

paints and varnishes - methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - part 3: fluorescent uv lamps

iso 4892-3

plastics - methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - part 3: fluorescent uv-lamps

pren 1062-4

paints and varnishes - coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry - part 4: preconditioning of exterior coatings to uv radiation and water in apparatus

sae j2020

accelerated exposure of automotive exterior materials using a fluorescent uv and condensation apparatus



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