北京时间12月22日,美国媒体ESPN发布了一个有趣的数据对比:被广泛认为是史上最强球队之一的勇士队在2024年17赛季的进攻效率为1148、排名联盟第一。 勇士队本赛季的进攻效率为1150,已经超过了勇士队17人的进攻效率,但只能排在联盟中游。 这样的对比也引起了球迷们的关注,ESPN表示:联盟的进攻越来越好,但球迷们却在说,目前的比赛没有身体对抗,也不敢防守,这是鼓励进攻的结果。
1]“进攻没有变得更好,防守越来越差。 ”
offense ain’t getting better, defense is getting worse
或者裁判故意,有太多的“不叫”和有问题的判罚。 ”
or officiating does, too many "no calls" and questionable calls
防守者现在甚至无法呼吸,除非被吹哨犯规。 ”
defenders can't breathe without getting called for a foul
4]“这种篮球令人作呕。 带回一场激烈的防守对抗和低得分的比赛。 我需要恢复到我以前玩的 90-100 分。 哎。 ”
this brand of basketball is disgusting man . bring back defense and low scoring games . i need it to get back too 90-100 point games . smh
yeah i barely watch games unless it's a close match up, but even then, who wants to watch weak plays being called for foul and both teams shooting non stop 3s as if their life depended on it...
你说的防守回来是什么意思,今天联盟的防守就像进攻一样,是有史以来最好的,一个简单的事实是,每个防守球员都必须应对更强硬的打击,更开放的进攻空间和更有天赋的球员。 如果说有什么比90年代更好的,那就是球员的防守并不比90年代差。 ”
what do you mean bring back defense, defense today just like offense is the best it's ever been its the **fact that every defensive player has to deal with stricter calls and also more spacing and more talented offenses to guard the players are not any worse at defense there feet then they was in the 90s if anything they are better
7]“防守越来越差。 ”
defense just keeps getting worse fym
“这是进攻越来越好,伙计。 ”
offense are getting better bud
因为球队的进攻进步了很多。 规则的变化是唯一让防守看起来更糟的事情。 ”
because it’s overwhelming how much better the offense has gotten. rule changes are the only things **defenses seem worse honestly
10] “不,这是因为NBA刚刚宣布防守是非法的。 ”
no the nba has just outlawed defense
“这不是真的。 因为赢得冠军的仍然是防守。 ”
not true. defense still wins championships.
不是真的,现在每一个轻微的假动作和触球都可能导致犯规。 ”
it really isn’t, every little flop and tap is a foul now
13] “进攻并没有变得更好。 而且防守越来越差。 越来越多的球员没有防守。 很少有球队在防守方面表现出色。 本赛季,有些球队真的让其他球队每晚都能得到140分,这太疯狂了。 ”
offenses aren’t getting better. defenses are getting worse. more and more players are not playing defense. there are few teams that actually play defense. you got teams literally allowing others to just score 140 pts nightly this season it’s insane.
“我不知道你在说什么,兄弟,但现在一些平庸的板凳球员的投篮比90年代的一些全明星球员更好。 ”
idk what you’re smoking bro but mid bench players now h**e a better bag and shooting combo than some all-stars from the 90’s
还是可以两者兼而有之?如今,球员的投篮能力提高了不少,不可能注意防守。 防守并没有像人们所说的那样变得更糟。 ”
or both can be possible? shot **ability has improved significantly and it’s also impossible playing defense nowadays. defense isn’t getting worse like that lmao
16] “或者你就是不能正确防守。 ”
or maybe you just can't defend properly anymore
“这是一个严重的误解。 从00年到07赛季,一个强调防守的时代,每支球队平均每场比赛有大约25个罚球。 现在是 23 倍。 吹哨的犯规次数也差不多。
只不过三分球更具威胁性,整体空间更加开放,更多球员的攻防转换能力有所提高,有效防守更加困难。 ”
big misconception. from 2000-07, the defensive era, teams took an **erage of around 25 fts a game. now it’s 23. about the same amount of fouls are called.
it’s just the 3p threat, overall spacing, and heightened transition skill of more players makes it harder to play defense as effectively.
18] “在这段时间里,足球和篮球的规则都发生了巨大变化,两者都倾向于进攻。 ”
the rules in both football and basketball h**e drastically shifted towards f**oring offense during that time
“勇士队在2016-17赛季场均得到130分,2024年。 ”
the 2016-17 warriors would h**e **g 130ppg in 2023 nba
我想说的是,想要进球的球迷数量远远超过了关注防守的球迷数量,这是最低限度的。 ”
i mean the amount of people that want to see scores up there vastly outnumbers fans that watch for the defense which is bare minimum