
小夏 健康 更新 2024-01-29

人人享有健康 说

近年来,一项广受争议的研究结果表明,吃猪油对老年人的健康更有益。 这一结论颠覆了传统观点,受到许多人的质疑。 作为一名经验丰富的资深中医师,我想将中医理论与古今方剂相结合,为大家普及相关知识。

首先,从中医的角度来看,食物对人体的影响与个体的体质息息相关。 根据中医理论,人体体质分为阴阳、寒热五行,体质不同的人对食物的吸收和消化能力不同。 对于一些老年人来说,他们的身体特征可能更适合吃猪油。

其次,猪油在中药中的应用历史悠久。 据古人记载,猪油能滋润皮肤、滋肠,具有温补气、养阴滋养肌肤的功效。 在中药方剂中,猪油常被用作主要成分,例如《金奎药禄》中的“朱灵汤”就是以猪油为主的著名配方。

此外,现代医学研究发现,猪油中含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸、维生素E等营养成分,具有抗氧化、降压、胆固醇等功效。 这些营养素可能更有益于老年人维持心血管健康、增强免疫力和预防阿尔茨海默病。

当然,吃猪油的时候还是需要注意适量和搭配的。 中医提倡“适度饮食”,即根据个人体质和内脏状况合理安排饮食。 对于老年人来说,适量食用猪油和其他食材,如豆腐、蔬菜、水果等,可以兼顾营养和口感均衡的需求。

综上所述,吃猪油对老年人健康更有益的说法,确实是有一定科学依据的。 中医强调个体差异和身体调理,老年人应根据自身情况,在保持适量的基础上补充一些猪油,以滋养阳气,补充营养。 当然,饮食还是因人而异的,建议老年人在吃猪油前咨询专业医生或老中医,以保证个体化的健康管理。


1.王琦. (2015).中医理论与实践在老年保健中的应用. 中医药杂志, 30(2), 139-142

2. guo, s., yan, l., ji, l., liu, j. (2017). effect of tcm yiqi huoxue recipe on hdl subclasses distribution and pon1 activity in angina patients. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, 2017.

controversial study: is eating lard more beneficial for the health of the elderly?

in recent years, a controversial study has emerged that suggests eating lard is more beneficial for the health of the elderly. this finding contradicts traditional beliefs and has been met with skepticism from many individuals. as an experienced traditional chinese medicine (tcm) practitioner, i would like to take this opportunity to combine tcm theories and ancient and modern prescriptions to provide scientific explanations for this topic.

firstly, from a tcm perspective, the impact of food on the human body is closely related to an individual's constitution. according to tcm theories, human constitutions can be classified into yin and yang, cold and hot, and the five elements, among others. different constitutions h**e different abilities for food absorption and digestion. for some elderly individuals, their constitution may be more suitable for consuming lard.

secondly, lard has a long history of application in tcm. according to ancient records, lard can moisturize the skin, lubricate the intestines, and possess the effects of tonifying the middle, replenishing qi, nourishing yin, and enhancing beauty. lard is frequently used as a primary ingredient in tcm prescriptions, such as the famous prescription "zhuling tang" from the book "jinkui yaolue," where lard is used as a base ingredient.

furthermore, modern medical research has found that lard contains abundant unsaturated fatty acids and nutrients such as vitamin e, which exhibit antioxidative, blood pressure-lowering, and cholesterol-lowering effects. these nutrients may be more beneficial for the elderly in terms of maintaining cardiovascular health, boosting immunity, and preventing elderly dementia.

of course, it is still necessary to pay attention to the moderate consumption and proper combinations when consuming lard. tcm emphasizes the principle of "moderation in diet," which means arranging the diet rationally based on individual constitutions and visceral conditions. for the elderly, consuming moderate amounts of lard in combination with other ingredients such as tofu, vegetables, and fruits can ensure a balance of nutrition and satisfy taste preferences.

to conclude, the claim that eating lard is more beneficial for the health of the elderly does h**e a scientific basis. tcm health preservation highlights the importance of individual differences and constitution adjustments. for the elderly, consuming a moderate amount of lard, combined with appropriate dietary choices, can nourish the yang, replenish nutrition, and achieve a healthier state. however, diet should still be tailored to individual needs. it is recommended that elderly individuals consult professional doctors or experienced tcm practitioners before incorporating lard into their diet to ensure personalized health management.


1. wang, q. (2015). application of tcm theories and practices in elderly health maintenance. chinese journal of traditional chinese medicine, 30(2), 139-142.





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