
小夏 娱乐 更新 2024-01-30



the wolf in sheeps clothing

on an endless expanse of grassland, tall and dense tufts of grass were scattered everywhere.在一望无际的大草原上,到处都是高大茂密的草。

the diligent shepherd brought his flock here every day to graze, and as the sun set, he would drive them back to the sheepfold.勤劳的牧羊人每天都会赶着他的羊群来这里吃草,然后在太阳下山时回到羊圈。

he also kept several sheepdogs specifically to watch over the lambs, ensuring they all returned safely home.他还养了几只牧羊犬,用来照看羊羔,保护它们不回家。

one day, an old wolf from the vicinity set his sights on the flock. he stealthily followed them, hoping to seize an opportunity to catch a sheep for a meal.这天,附近的一只老狼盯上了羊群,他偷偷地跟着羊群,以为总有机会抓到羊群吃。

around noon, the shepherd felt drowsy. "ah, so sleepy! my dear sheepdogs, watch over the lambs for me. i'll take a nap!"中午,牧羊人困了,“哎呀,我好困!我可爱的牧羊犬,帮我看好羊羔,我先睡一觉!”

the dogs happily barked as if saying, "no problem, rest assured, master." the shepherd smiled contentedly and lay down on the grass, soon snoring away.只见狗儿高兴地吠叫着,仿佛在说:“没问题,安心睡吧,主人。 然后牧羊人满意地笑了笑,躺在草地上开始打鼾。

the lurking old wolf became extremely excited. he thought, "this is a rare opportunity!" and immediately jumped out, rushing toward the flock.潜伏在身边的老狼非常兴奋,他心想这是千载难逢的机会,于是立刻跳了出来,冲向羊群。

however, he didn't anticipate the agility of the sheepdogs. in no time, they had run up to the old wolf. "if you're smart, le**e now, or don't blame us for being unfriendly. be careful not to end up toothless!"但他没想到牧羊犬竟然如此敏感,不一会儿,他就跑到了老狼身边。 “你们认识的话,赶紧走,不然别怪我们粗鲁,小心把牙齿撕得满地都是!”

warned the fierce sheepdogs. outnumbered, the old wolf had no choice but to give up.牧羊犬狠狠地警告老狼,没办法,寡不敌众,只好放弃。

back at his den, the old wolf seethed with frustration. "cursed sheepdogs! hmph! i need to think of another plan; barging in is clearly unwise." so, he calmed down and pondered.老狼回到家后,非常生气:“该死的牧羊犬,哼!我得想个办法,闯进来真的不明智。 说完,他又开始冷静下来,想办法。

outside the den, he discovered something valuable – a sheepskin. "i h**e an idea.老狼走到洞外寻找灵感,嘿嘿,他果然找到了一件好东西——羊皮,“有办法。

i can disguise myself with this sheepskin and sneak into the flock. the sheepdogs won't recognize me! once it's dark, i can feast on as many sheep as i want in the sheepfold!"我可以穿上这匹羊的衣服,和羊混在一起,这样牧羊犬就看不出来了!天黑了,我可以在羊圈里想吃多少羊就吃多少羊!”

the next morning, bright and early, the shepherd went to release the sheep, and the old wolf, wearing the sheepskin, also got up early. taking advantage of their inattention, he successfully infiltrated the flock!第二天一大早,牧羊人像往常一样去放羊,老狼也一大早就起床了,披着羊皮,趁着他们不注意,他设法和羊群融为一体!

once among the sheep, the old wolf couldn't resist the temptation. "oh, so tempting! these sheep are so fat and juicy, right in front of me, it's like i could eat them now!" he thought, with saliva dripping.一走进羊群,老狼就特别想吃羊,“哎哟,好贪,这些羊好肥,就在我面前,它现在好像要吃掉它们了!老狼心里这么想着,口水流了出来。

however, he had to endure, as any action now would attract the sheepdogs.但他不得不退缩,因为如果他现在采取行动,他就会被牧羊人围攻。 于是,他在极度痛苦中忍受了一整天。

as the sun finally began to set, the shepherd started driving the flock back home. until they reached the sheepfold, the old wolf revealed no flaws.太阳终于下山了,牧羊人开始赶羊回家,直到老狼在羊圈里没有露出任何破绽。

unfortunately, that night, the shepherd had many guests, and upon returning home, he decided to catch a sheep from the sheepfold.但碰巧的是,那天晚上牧羊人家里有很多客人,一回到家,他又去羊圈抓羊。

before the old wolf could act, he was singled out by the shepherd. "haha, tonight i'll feast on you! so tall and robust, you must h**e plenty of meat!" said the shepherd, tying the wolf with a rope.老狼还没来得及行动,就被牧羊人挑了出来,“哈哈,我今晚就把你吃掉了,这么高大魁梧,肯定有很多肉啊!他对老狼说,然后用绳子套住了狼。

and so, the old wolf, mistaken for a fat sheep, was killed and became the shepherd's appetizer.就这样,老狼被杀成肥羊,做成牧羊人的开胃菜。

in that moment of impending doom, the old wolf deeply regretted, but no matter what he said, it was too late.在即将被杀的那一刻,老狼非常后悔,但不管他说什么,都没用。


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